Some on rooftops
Some in streets
Some in attics and the arctic
Some in isolation and quarantine
Some in empty theaters
And some on grass
From anywhere we move everywhere – And make funny faces…
In different places and spaces, 28 dancers create #28solos28days. The framework for this concept is a new format, the art experience takes place digitally and live on Instagram. In a time of virus and social distance, we want to reach our audience in a new and innovative way.
#28solos28days was shown live on Bobbi Lo Produktion´s Instagram during February
2021. Choreographer Michael Tang created a manuscript of verbal instructions performed
by a new dancer every day in 28 days. Each dancer was given the same instructions
trough their headphones and did a live solo performance made in the moment, on
Instagrams live funktion.
The final documentation of the work is a moviegram with all dancers performing the
instructions together and apart.
Choreographer and concept: Michael Tang
Composer: Hans-Ole Amossen
Dancer for development of the concept: Lava Markusson
Collaboration companies: Skånes Dansteater, Regionteater Väst, Black Box Dance Company, DeLeónCompany and Gunilla Lind Danseteater.
Supported by: Statens Kunstfond